///+ Prefix linkto basiccode1
//// Lines for set up Psychlops environment
#include <psychlops.h>
using namespace Psychlops;
///- Prefix linkto basiccode1

///+ Main Routine
//// Psychlops runs at the first line of this function psychlops_main().
void psychlops_main() {
    ///+ 0 Declaration
    ////Prepare global parameters
     Canvas window(Canvas::window);
     Psychlops::Image img; //Prepare "Image" class variable to make offscreen movie.
     Psychlops::Rectangle centerrect(10,10);
     int imageHsize = 100;  //Width for offscreeen.
     int imageVsize = 60;  //Height for offscreeen.
     double R,G,B;
    ///- 0 Declaration

     ///+ 1 Initialize
     ////Initialize image and set color to each pixel.
     img.set(imageHsize, imageVsize); //Allocate offscreen in main memory.

     for(int i=0; i < imageHsize; i++){
         for(int j=0; j < imageVsize; j++){
         ///+ 1.1 set1
          ////set colors for each pixels
          R=random(1.0) * 0.5/*ID:RGain 0.0 1.0 0.5*/; //Set R values. 
          G=random(1.0) * 0.5/*ID:GGain 0.0 1.0 0.5*/; //Set G values.
          B=random(1.0) * 0.5/*ID:BGain 0.0 1.0 0.5*/; //Set B values. 
          img.pix(i,j, Color(R,G,B));
         ///- 1.1 set1

    img.cache(); //Move offscreen from main memory to video RAM. (Optional)
    ///- 1 Initialize

    ///+ 2 drawing
    ////drawing offscreen


        window.clear(Color::black); //Clear screen with black
        img.centering(); //centering the position to copy offscreen
        img.shift(100,100); //centering the position to copy offscreen
        img.draw(); // copy offscreen onto the reverse side of window buffer.
        centerrect.draw(Color::red);// draw reference rectangle at the center.
    ///- 2 drawing

///- Main Routine
